Thursday, September 20, 2007

Children's Health Insurance

President Bush held a press conference on September 20 and was asked a variety of question about Norh Korea and variety of topic. The conference focused more about Iraq but president Bush wanted to talk about children's health insurence, the president said that he would veto a bill in its present form if it came to him on children's health insurance he thinks that it expandes the program too much and it would raise people's taxes and he is dead set against it and he also called he democrates irresposnible. The democrates said that it is the middle class children that dont have health insurance and the bill would not cover every child only about 4 million children are coverd and the president said that the we have to get the poor children first.

Democrates, meanwhile, are trying to force Mr.Bush into the uncomfortable position of vetoing a bill covering 1o million children before any spending bills reach his desk. They are casting the president as the compassionate conservative who forgot his compassion.

This article is a must read, there seems to be a lot of tension in the white house between the democrates and the president and it might effect some people specially parents with children. So check it out on