Wednesday, November 28, 2007


obesity is a serious problem in America always has been and It will always be as long as there is no exercise and poor nutrition. "More than 66 percent of Americans are overweight or obese", but the numbers are growing. Poor eating habits can lead to serious health risks resulting in heart disease and high blood pressure which could lead to death. People should stop to consider what nutritional value their meals has instead of eating whatever is on their plate, and calories are on of the big factors of obesity, people can get cancer by consuming too much sugar. People who are affected by obesity include every race and ethnicity, gender, and age group, specially the children who now start at a very young age, some children are affected by obesity because of their parents eating habits and it becomes like a disease, in other words an addiction to food. People who are obese have a high risk of cardiovascular disease, and coronary heart disease is America’s number one killer and it could lead to disability. Being obese can also lead to hip, back, and foot problems making it difficult to walk and that's the result of the strain that obesity puts on the body and that can make walking and everyday activities difficult. I think that the problem of obesity is complex, like the French say its never too late to do good. The government needs to regulate the food industry and schools have responsibilities to children. They should include mandatory exercise programs in the school curriculum "People don’t know that a 20-minute walk burns about 100 calories,” said Dr. Madelyn Fernstrom and “People always overestimate the calories consumed in exercise, and underestimate the calories in food they are eating.” Schools should also remove candy and soft drink machines specially in Elementary schools, middle schools and high schools. Restaurants can also help by serving smaller portions but for the price's worth of course. But most importantly we should also take responsibility for our own health by watching what we eat and when we eat, because since I moved here to the United States what I noticed in people is that they eat what they want and when they want, there is no time management when it comes to eating. People can also educate themselves by simply learning about food and nutrition. Obesity is not a problem we have to accept, Although this disease can lead to serious health problems, there are solutions, and we have the ability to make the right changes.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Commentary "The Iraq War"

I totally agree with Sara's point of view regarding the Iraq war, at first everyone believed that the war in Iraq was to fight terrorism and find the nuclear weapons that the government said that Iraq possessed but all of that did not exist at least the nuclear weapons, but even though we are the most powerful country in the world we cannot fight terrorism by ourselves its a big responsibility and by going to war the government got its self in a big pond of mud and they don't have the shoes for it. Before going to war president Bush asked support form China and mostly form former president Jacques Chirac but he refused and asked president Bush to wait and reconsider his decision about the war, but president Bush was pressured by vice president Dick Cheney and prime minister Tony Blair who by the way was his idea to announce war on Iraq.

Without the support of other countries we are now facing huge debts because we are paying everything from our pokets, while other countries sit and let America do all the dirty work. If this war is called "The War against Terror" than why are we the only once fighting it? other countries are affected by terrorism as well as we are look at what happen in Madrid and London for example. Like Sara mentioned in her blog those Billions of dollars that were spent on war could have been spent here at home by providing health insurance, education and many other things that we don't have the villages to because of this war. I remember when gas used to be 75c a gallon and now its $3.25 a gallon our economy is going down the drain, this war has caused nothing but pain and frustration it made the situation even worst, since the war began in 2003 I never heard anything good on the news about this war except for troops dying everyday, what a waist. I support Sara's statement that she made towards the end of her argument that " We are supposed to be living in a democratic country but yet are involved in a war that is opposed by a massive amount of the population". At this point I believe that the government has broken all the rules and does not listen to its people. Even if we pull out of war now it might make the situation even worst because the wound is too deep.
