Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Bush Says Iran Nuclear Project Raises War Risk

At a conference today Oct,17 President Bush warned that Iran would be raising a "World War III" if they possess nuclear weapons and believed that Russia still wanted to prevent Iran from developing such weapons. Iran contends that its nuclear program is purely peaceful, but President Bush said that "if Iran had a nuclear weapon, it'd be dangerous threat to the world peace," he also tooled people if they are interested in preventing World War III, it seems like they ought to be interested in preventing them form having the knowledge necessary to make a nuclear weapon. Mr. Bush also mentioned that he takes the threat of Iran with a nuclear weapon very seriously. The united States has said that it is pursuing a diplomatic approach to Iran, including the threat of a new round of united Nations sanctions, but refused to rule out military action to halt Iran's nuclear program. But on Tuesday in Tehran Mr.Putin said that not only should we reject the use of force, but not to even mention it. President Putin has gone further, questioning what evidence the Americans and French have for asserting that I ran intends to make nuclear weapons.

I really enjoyed reading this article because its persuasive, making you want to read more and find out more about this issue. It also includes the French and the Russians president's arguments and opinions regrading this subject and also each others arguments. I personally fear for my safety and the safety of my country and it interest me to find out out about this issue and how is it dealt with , and what kind of actions are being taken. In my opinion I don't know why Iran is trying to develop nuclear weapons while its people are starving and need more important things in their lives, what are they going to do with such weapons , are they going to fight Godzilla? similar to Korea who is developing nuclear weapons a poor country and it sounds weird that these countries are developing nuclear weapons. In this case I agree 100% with president Bush regarding this issue about Iran developing nuclear weapons. I think that it is in our best interest to keep our guards up on this, which Mr.Bush is doing and should be doing as a president. I recommend for everyone to read this article on the New York Times, it is very serious and it effects everyone.

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