Wednesday, December 12, 2007

T. Mann: The Death Penalty

The death penalty has been around for centuries and I think that It would still remain that way unless all people rise up against it. But that is not the case, many people have lost their loved ones by murder, and those people who committed the crime are currently serving life in prison and waiting for their execution. Those people who lost their loved ones, the only thing they want is to have that person who committed the crime executed and if they could they could they would do it themselves, the only thing those people have toward that person is pure grief.

I thing that you can't say that it is harsh or barbaric to punish someone by executing them in prison, because you might feel differently if that person murdered your wife or your kids, or your best friend anyone that you love and close to. Right now if non of those things happen to you, you will feel sorry for that person and you would thing that they are treated badly and something harsh is being done to them. But on the flip side you have no idea what those people are cable of and what they've done. Those people have no life in them, they have no feelings, no pain, and no regrets. They will kill you at any chance they get. But they are also humans, only their acts and actions are different than the normal person, but they were once a little kid just like everyone else, their harsh acts is often a caused of a bad childhood. But anyways the reason that the death penalty is still going on is because, it has never been brought up, it seems that no one has a problem with it, and this is what I think, if you don't want to spend the rest of your life in prison and die in prison, its very simple, don't do anything that is against the law, stay out of trouble. To reach the death penalty you must of done something very out of the line unacceptable. One other reason that the death penalty still remains in our society is because the prisons are getting filled up, and the option to reduce the increase it to execute the prisoners by sending electricity through their bodes or injecting them with poison.

I must say the most most barbaric execution that I've seen was the execution of Saddam Hussein, although I do think that he deserves punishment but the punishment of hanging was too barbaric and medieval for me, and on top of that posting the execution on various website for people to see. I think that by doing so we are no different form those people, by executing them in those harsh ways, we are just as bad as they are. I understand that those people executed are our enemies, but even enemies can show respect. It is God's duty to judge people, not the government. We all did something bad in our lives and we still do, no body is perfect.

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